The Invisible Superstar of Wednesday

The Invisible Superstar of Wednesday Series

Which character is the invisible superstar in Wednesday series?

All the characters, their dialogues and actions narrate a story for us, and try to form a world in our mind. But there is an obvious invisible superstar and that is color palette.

We can watch and rewatch Wednesday series with considering colors and how they form our connection with Wednesday’s world.

Wednesday Adam is allergic to color so we see her mostly in black. But as you know colors in a frame tend to attract the attention of the audience so the design of cloth and environment is in a way that we keep Wednesday in our attention. Using monochromatic colour palette is a way they keep this attention. Monochromatic Palette is when we only use one hue of a color but in different tints, shades and tones (in Lesson 4 of Magic of colors in storytelling I have explained it thoroughly)

Another interesting point is that Wednesday is allergic to colors but we always see her in Black not in white. This breaking of rules is also a design of Wednesday. In print colors, white, black and gray are considered as neutral colors, but in RGB colors of light, dark means no light and white is composed of mixing of all main colors. (I have explained RGB colors in 3rd lesson of my class)

So it is like that Wednesday world is close to RGB color world, especially that the principal who is always in White can change her shape into others, as if like white color in light that is composed of many colors.

Her roommate is the colorful girl who has problem and worries about not being able to become an elf, and she uses colors may be to show this willingness or even to express her socialism and tendency to be on social media.

Have you watched Wednesday by far? Watch it and tell me what other interesting facts you have discovered.

Best colourful and non-colorful wishes,


Professional Secret & “Please buy a 24 coloured pencil box for me!”

When we were child we dreamed of those colour pencil boxes with more colours yes?

I always had 12 colours. Once I got a 6 colours box with mini pencils and that was cute. But getting a 24 coloured pencil box was a dream. And 36 colours seemed so much professional.

But here is a secret I have for you :

Are you a designer? A graphic designer, or you design your room or home decor, or you make UI/UX …

Are you a visual storyteller? Like you illustrate, paint, make animation, …

Are you planning about buying cloth and outfit?

Well stick to fewer colours, it is so much easier to control, and it looks professional. Yes it looks professional as it seems it is coherent and under control.

When I say use less colour, I don’t mean just some specific colours. No I mean all the shades, tones and shadows of a colour, for example if you choose green and purple you can use all types of green and purple.

And here is the second secret:

Start by 3 colours chosen from a split complementary palette. By split complementary palette, I mean use a colour wheel. Then choose two colours on the opposite side, and then substitute one by its two adjacent ones.

If you are new about colour wheel or split complementary palette. But you want to have fun while learning it, I have provided enough entertainment in my class about colours and storytelling

You can make a decision and choose one of these options

1 Join me in the class.


2 subscribe to my newsletter

Love to see you are works with split complementary palette.

Storytelling Using Colours by Hadis Malekie

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